
At The Clearwater...

Originally uploaded by Zagurim.

Well, It's me and my friend Julie...People alwyas want to know what I look like, so that's me on the left :P




If you answered YES to these questions, then you are just the right candidate for this job!


This solid and growing Knight is looking for TOP NOTCH Healers!!!!!

Qualifications :

  • Self Motivation
  • Good Attitude
  • Not intimidated
  • Can walk long distances
  • Can Heal on a consistant basis

Hours :

  • Flexible depending on when I am playing

Pay :

  • 50% of all drpped items*
  • 50% of all adena
  • All Wisdom Pots
  • All Mana Pots
  • All M-Gems

If you are interested in having fun and a flexible schedule (meaning when we are both online), enjoy party hunting (2 people) and like how the above sounds. Please whisper me in game. My Name is "Zagurim"

*Dropped item payment is on those items we carry away from the hunt for which you will be paid 50%. In the case of "good items" such as zel, dai, B-Dai, B-Zel, FI Items, Lastavard Items, high level spellbooks, etc. The item will either be sold on the open market after which your payment for said item will be made, or either party (myself or the healer) may opt to purcahse the item at a discount. Price of the item to party member will be figured out by the following formula: (item_regualr_price x .80) / 2. For example: An Item worth 1million adena and dropped to us during the course of our hunt would be sold either as 1Million on the open market with each player receiving 500k (50%) OR if 1 person opts to purchase the item the purchasing player would pay (1,000,000 x.80) / 2 which becomes (800,000) / 2 which ends up being 400,000 adena. Either player has the option to purchase the item BEFORE it is allowed to go on the open market, by using the formula above. If neither player wants to purchase then Zagurim will sell the item on the open market and pay the healer 50% of the sale price.

What's in a name...

I have always wondered where some people get their in-game names from. As such, I have decided to show the origin of my name.

"The Twenty-Third Name is ZAHGURIM

As ZAHRIM, a most terrible opponent. It is said ZAHGURIM slays slowly, after a most unnatural fashion. I do not know, for I have never summoned this Spirit. It is thy risk. The Word is MASHTISHADDU."

The seal is thus:

Zagurim (Zahgurim) is from the book The Necronomicon. If you are into occultism or just like to read strange stuff, it is a really interesting read.

More L45 Quest

So I was out helping a pledgemate with the L45 quest on another character and we come across Scout, the last part of hte quest for me to complete. We had killed some bandit packs with me doing the healing as best I could manage, and my pledgemate beating the bandits up. I ask them if they mind if I finish my quest, and they say sure and hang out at the spot so I can find Scout easily.

I come back and find scout, and thank my pledgemate and start walking Scout to Oren. Damn that guy walks SLOW SLOW SLOW!!! Not 30 seconds after I start walking the scout, my pldegemate comes across the right hand bandit all alone, kills it and gets the hood! WOOOOOOOT!

I walk Scout to Oren which seems to take forever and get my Belt of Bravery! Sorry for the lack of pics. I need to get them up. Will try to post them tomorrow :)



Level 45 Quest....Finally!

Tonight, I have managed to obtain the Sword of Heaven and associated parts from the L45 Knight Quest. I woud love to say that I am such a strong character in game that I was able to do it solo, but that is not the case :)

I had some friends along with me who I would like to thank for making it possible :)

From my own Pledge (RedDevils): Jae3Ma and CrazyMir
From Keepers of Destiny: Arioco
From Im not sure what pledges: Leyend and FeanorMage (they are not in the same pledge hehe)

Thanks to all of you for keeping those pesky Giants off my back and the constant heals while I killed the Ancient Giant. He Hits Hard, and I had already goofed up and failed the quest once tonight burning 120 Clears and because of my mistake of not talking to the Elder Giant first, costing me my TOI 21f scroll in addition to the 11f I had already used.

My friends and pledgemates selflessly used their own scrolls to help me in my quest, and for that I am grateful. I owe all of you guys a lot!!!

Now I just have to find scout and walk him to Oren and I will finish the quest!!! It is a tough quest to be sure.

After I finish this quest, the big push to L50 starts. My goal is 5% a day for the next 8 days, then 2% a day. That should get me to L50 within the next month if I play my cards right. ^^I can't seem to send a picture directly to the blog for some reason but have to do it via email...so the post after this should be the pic showing my Sword of Heaven



Originally uploaded by Zagurim.

Been a while since I have gotten a decent drop on any of my characters. Zels are pretty common it seems thanks to DI, but hey, it's the first drop of any sigificance I have gotten since my first week back when I got a b-dai in FV...I'm happy


Account Expired 0.0

Well, it would seem that my account has expired, and being that it is a holiday weekend and I just woke up, I am not able to renew it until Tuesday. That sucks, because there is a siege on my pledges castle tonight and now I cannot be there to help my pledge. Sorry guys. I thought it expired Monday!!

Anyway, I will be back on Tuesday...this sucks!


Some sites of Interest...

Zef And Friends--BLOG
Lineage Mesage Boards--NC Official US SIte
Funky Cold Adena--FCA Website
Lineage Underground--Fansite

IGG Seige...

Last night my pledge helped to defend the Iron Gate Guild from the advances of the armies of SoL. Sadly I wasn't paying as much attention as I should have been and one of SoL's mages came in and firestormed a bunch of times. By the time I hit the escape button, it was too late and I died. Oh well, these things happen, it's a siege after all!!

Earlier in the day I decided that I would work on the L45 Knight Quest. I figure since I am slowly making my way towards Level 50, that I should try and complete it so that I can eventually get the L50 quest item. Anyway, I went out hunting bandits and had a friend looking also on his mage. He found them, I fought them and those packs do a decent amount of damage to Sir Knight :)

I eventually led them around aden killing off a couple here and a couple there until I was almost back to Giran, then one fo the new Lastabad Dark Elf Rangers decides that he would like to join his bandit buddies and help them to end me. He failed and ended first ^^. So I've got about 30% of my total hp left and 2 bandit archer guys, the Leader and the "right hand bandit" chasing me, and I am near Giran, so I ask my bro to bring me some pots so I can finish them off..Well, through no fault o fhis own, he got delayed so I am running around with now abut 1/6th of my hp left in the northern parts of Giran hoping for him to come with the precious pots I need so I can kill this bandit and get my knight vision hood.

At this point my health bar is not looking very nice, not good at all, so I call to a pledgemate to meet me by the DM Arena where I have staggered to and help me out :) Jae3Me comes and heals me up so I can kill the bandit. I kill him, get my Night vision hood and thank him. I offered him a little adena as a token of my appreciation (just 5k, like I said a token amount) but he refused to take it, saying that the pledge helps each other. I like that attitude and always will go whenever I am called, but dangit, take the money Jae3Me, it was a gift!! ^^


Welcome to my little Lineage Blog. I have set this up so that I can record my own little adventures within Lineage. I hope you enjoy reading it.