

You can now See all the pictures of bots that are killed by me by clicking HERE. It is a simple PHP script that will always update the page with any new pics I upload. If you want to send me a picture of a dead bot for the page, you can email it to subscriptionsgregevans.info and I will post it.



Bot Killer...

Just thought I should share that I am back playing Lineage again. Now there are tons of bots, so I have decided to kill them now and again. Here is one that was killed today. I have been thinking that the support staff is not banning them as they should, so I called a monitor and had a chat. I have edited the photos so as to not reveal which monitor it was :)

The Bot's Name is "Pybrshl". Hopefully he will get banned.

When talking to the monitor I asked if they would reveal themself so that I could snapshot them. They agreed. So here is myself and a Monitor standing over a dead bot.