So it seems to have been that I died while at Giran Cross.
Someone placed flowers around my corpse and then some people decided to show up

People started wondering how I died, and talking about how I have been thinking about quitting again. While I think about this alot due to real life things, I am also considering quitting again because I am not having a lot of fun anymore.

It became a full-out funeral it seems...Even GMLysira showed up to pay her respects ^^

Finally, Red Leader left a mail paper on the ground. Upon my eventualy resurrection via restart, I was able to read it. This letter made me want to not quit, so Iam not quitting anytime soon even though being solo (for the most part) is kinda crummy.

I have a new goal now, and while the rest of the lineage world may move on to level 65, 70, etc. I will continue to play the game my way, to have fun always and let the levels come as they will.
Thanks to all of you, you have renewed my interest in this game again :), and a special thanks to the person that sent me the screenshots. A few people were going to, so I am not sure who you are in game. If I get some more, I will post them as well.