
My post to the Lineage Discussion Boards

In reply to:

It may seem that way sometimes, but we do look into all bug reports. They make tracking down these types of issues soooo much easier, especially if exact locs are stated.

That's just the thing Scout, it should NEVER EVER seem that way. If the customers don't feel that they are getting support, then they plain aren't.

I have worked in the computer industry almost my entire working career as everything from a Phone support (Level I) person, to Level III helpdesk (basically the guy that gets turned to when the Level I (phone) and Level II (deskside) support people cannot figure it out.

I have worked as a Systems Admin on many flavors of un*x as well as both Mac and Windows. Further I have worked as a Graphic Designer and WebMaster. All of these positions are in some way support related, and not ONCE in my career (16+ years) has anyone ever to my knowledge said they didn't feel as if I was giving them the support they needed.

Myself and MANY others feel that the support that NC gives is at the very best half-hearted. Canned responses to EVERY SINGLE QUESTION does not support make. What that does is anger your customers, plain and simple. Those of you that post to the boards do a 1000% better job in the support department than anyone on the "support team", and you all have, from what I have gathered, other responsibilities as well, such as being Publish Coordinator.

Honestly, if I gave my customers the kinda support that I feel I get from NC, I wouldn't have many customers if any at all.

Edit this to your liking, I am being honest


Level 45 Mage Quest Completed!!!

Ok so I finally have completed the Level 45 Mage Quest! This quest is a pain, only because of the chance that you will not find the quest mop. I hunted a LONG time and didn't find it, then tonight I was asking my good friend if he wanted the sword he loaned me back, and he asks "Did you complete the quest yet babo!?"

I explained to him that I had been hunting for the quest mop for ~10 hours and not got it, but that I would go and try now 1 more time.

I'll be damned if the 3rd doppelganger I find isn't the quest mop! I try to use magic to kill it, and burn through all my mp and 4 clear potions..hehe no dice. i bookmark the spot, tele to town since I had forgotten the sword, grab 40 orange potions and head back with my bro's sword in hand. I attack it again, but this time I am using a +8 Long Silver Sword..heh heh heh. Anyway I burn through maybe 20 orange potions and it dies and coughs up the Doppelganger regurgitation in a nice vial for me. Lucky, since I didn't want to have to scrape it off the ground. Didn't get a pic of that sorry.

Anyway, I took the puke (that's what regurgitation is for those that don't know) and a cancel spellbook to the Mysterious Rock and exchanged it for the: Record Of the Ancient Devil

I then took the Record of the Ancient Devil to Talass in the Ivory Tower on the 3rd floor (go north from stairs) and traded him my Record of the Ancient Devil for the Magic Bag Of Talass

Upon opening the Magic bag of Talass, the recipient (that's me) receives a Cloak of Mana and the "Wisdom of the Ancients"

That's all for now..

--Rais out


Genitorturer (Part Deux)

Originally uploaded by Zagurim.

Here is a better pic of Genitorturer. It was a VERY quick & dirty (sorry Geni) photoshop touch up to make it look better. That other one was so dark!!!

Blah..Hope y'all enjoy it.




Well, I have left the RedDevils pledge. Not for any reason that you might imagine. I left because I have friends on both sides of the main war on Depardieu server. Friends on the SoL side and friends on the Paldo side.

I just don't feel like being at war with anyone. I can't in good conscience attack my friends in SoL, nor can I in good conscience abandon my pledge when there is a fight, so I have decided to remain pledgeless for a while, or maybe I will join a neutral pledge.

My goal is to get to Level 50 and that will require some work (And some adenas!!!), with the constant warring between the "rich" people of the different political groups, if I opt to battle, I am only decreasing my leveling funds. This is not a good thing, considering how horrifc drops are now.

Perhaps now, by supporting no side, I will be able to hunt with friends on both sides and have more fun in the game!!

Hmm..I suppose I could join a pledge that favors one side...So, with that said, if you want me on your side, I'm a mercenary (but I still won't hit friends outside of a siege). My fees are 500k/week (I figure that should support all of the pots that I will use in Sieges and from being attacked while hunting and allow me to level at the same time.

As always I am looking for live human heal slaves to assist me in reaching my goal of Level 50, and my standard agreement is in place. 50% of all drops, yadda yada yadda

Lineage Mac T-Shirt

Well, people have been asking on the Lineage Boards about Lineage T-Shirts.

Yes, I got one, and here are the pics. I love this shirt. I wish that NC would produce more T-Shirts to send to their loyal customers.

Without further adieu, here are the pics...

Closeup of the front.

The whole shirt (front)

Close-up of the Back

The whole shirt (back)

So there you have it. That is the shirt that NC sent me for being a Mac Beta tester. I signed up on the first day of the Mac Beta Test over 2 years ago, so maybe that is why I got one. I don't know. I wear it a lot. I go to the bar in it, I have skydived, skiied, snowboarded, jetskiied, rode my bike, you name it wearing this shirt, and unfortunately not once has anyone asked me about it that I can remember.



Originally uploaded by Zagurim.

This is my friend Genitorturer, What more can I say.


Where is Zag??? And about me/my pledge

Alright, I am taking a break from Zag until Raisputin is Level 48. Zag takes a lot of adenas to keep hunting. He has finished the Level 45 Quest and got his Belt Of Bravery, and purchased another piece of Armor adding a total of 2 to his AC..WooT! a few more and it will be acceptable to me. It's not horrid now, and with Iron Skin it would flat out rock, but It's hard to find an I-Skin Elf ;) If you are one whisper me :)

As most of you Know Zagurim is a "Red Devil". Does this make me a bad guy? Hell no! I was FCA before, and also SoL.

If you were SoL why did you join Red Devils? Well, quite frankly I tried to rejoin SoL when I came back to the game, but never heard back from ccGirl. I was looking for a pledge, and found Red Devils. we owned Giran at the time, and it seemed like a good choice. So far I can tell you all that the people in red Devils are very nice. They have helped me a lot, and over time, we have started doing more pledge hunting, and talking a lot more. I *think* that a lot of the original members are Korean, and there is a language barrier there, but we work around that.

When it came to my level 45 knight quest. I was looking for the Right Hand Bandit. I was witha friend of mine (low level mage) and he found it. I had tons of pots on me (OJ's IIRC) and had to fight the whole bandit pack as well as some of the new Lastabad DE's. I ended up at the north east entrance of Giran and was out of pots. I managed to kill the last bandit before the RHB, and had him and a DE lef to go. I asked JaeMe3A for help and he came to the Giran Collesium where I had lured the RHB to and healed me while I killed it. I am sure he was out hunting and he took time out to do this for a pledgemate. Later when it came time to kill the Giant guy, my pledge jumped in again and took time out from their own gaming to help me. It took 2 tries, but I finally did it. Prior to that 2 of my friends from SoL had tried to help me as well.

Just goes to show that as I siad on Rais' blog, that friends (meaning my bros in SoL) come before pledge rivalries. I hope that everyone that reads this understands that friends are way more important than any in-game enemy pledge, and that friends will always support friends be they in-game enemies or not.

Best of luck to everyone except cheaters...
