I am finally Level 50 LOL
There ya go, I made it to Level 50 after all these years LOL. To some, leveling is super important to the point of not having a lot of actual fun, but to be honest, with as much fun as I have had playing this game over the years, had I just done the level grind like a few people that will remain nameless, I would probably be somewhere closer to Level 60 or 65 by now.
So, here are some random pictures that I have sitting around and some items that I have got as drops fairly recently. I have edited stuff out the quick way. Cropping, because I don't feel like using Photoshop right now:

This was during the Thanksgiving event, I saw all these guys standing here looking down on the action, so I figued I should let them know they needed to go down below if they wanted to fight ^^
Antharus is still a 1 hit killer:

Antharus is still a 1 hit killer:

Sometimes I get tired of the level grind, so I figure I should go do something that is fun, like visit the dragons. Sometimes I am successful, sometimes I am not. This day, Antharus was in a particularly bad mood it seems.
Baby ToS (Land Of The Abandoned). Why it is called ToS I have no idea, but whatever:

Baby ToS (Land Of The Abandoned). Why it is called ToS I have no idea, but whatever:

I make jokes, what can I say ^^ There were a bunch there and I think I ran out of pots or something, either that or I couldn't target so I decided to make a little humor for myself.
Sorcerer's Temple (aka Sanctuary of Evil from what I have been told...so:

Sorcerer's Temple (aka Sanctuary of Evil from what I have been told...so:

There it is, the Sanctuary of Evil. It is an area that is beautiful to look at. Whomever designed this did a fantastic job! Every monster here was Blue or Gold to me 0.0 which is pretty cool, and with the right group, they don't hurt too much. The ones that will drop you to the floor though in about .5 seconds are the litte frog lookin guys. They cast a sunburts that hits me for like 400+ It hurts.
Diad Area (3f):

One of the many mini bosses you have to kill while you are in this area. There are also Gatekeepers and such. Each room reuires either killing a gatekeeper or a mini-boss to open the way to the next room. It is pretty crazy... On this hunt, there were only 4 of us and we did a pretty good job. 2 mages, 2 knights. I think that if we had a party of 4 mages and 4 knights we would have owned this place even more than we already did! More pics...
Diad Area (3f):

I really really like this area. It is more fun than you can imagine, but extremely difficult as well. There is 1 more floor after this one, it has the Court Justices and such on it, and from what I understand, once you get the "Writing of a Death Knight" you can go visit the Dark Elf Holy Land, which I hear is where Girtas is. I have not gotten there yet, but I will ^^, and I will probably die when I get there LOL. Here are some more pics:
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