There is a lot that I could say about Lineage, the current event, etc. but, we have the boards for that, so I am going to drop some pics in and talk about those, because while the event is fun, this is more fun.

So there I was randoming around and who should I run into but Wanted Criminal Kuzak. Well, since he's a criminal I figure I better apprehend him :) He is easy and I am not really sure when or why he is in the game. I have killed him once or twice before and always got his food and wonder drug, but this time he dropped those two items as well as TQD, TQE and TQR. All in all, a nice drop from something that is very very easy to kill.

Pandora, all decked out for the Holidays....

The first "boss" we get to is Supreme Court Justice Kenya. Just getting here takes some work, but it is so fun and the potential for a good drop is so good, we do it often. This one is not very hard at all.

Here is, iirc the last boss of the first section of the 4th floor. NC has done nobody any favors on RV4. This whole is timed, and it is up to the players to not only figure out what to do to open the doors to move on, but additionally you only have a certain amount of time to kill 4 bosses or you get tele'd back to the start of the 4th floor to "try again".

Here is SCJ Ramias, the 2nd half of Rv4 was pretty cool, and it seemed that the bosses came faster which was kinda nice because we were all stoked to have made it this far considering our typical party is a pretty odd mix of people Ranging from Lvl 48 all the way up to Lvl 70.

SCJ Tiames... We rocked his world. Our two main mages just continually kick ass and take names. We would not be able to do this without them. Maybe someday when I am Lvl 90 or something, but that is so far in the future that I will probably be old by then :)

My pledgemates/out of pledge friends can correct me if I am wrong, but I think this was the last guy that we made it to. We were flying through here but we simply didn't have enough firepower to be able to kill the boss and then clear the room before the timer ran out. The mops here are hard, they have the potential to do massive damage and I think all of us have died in this area at least once. I could be wrong about that though. Hard to remember.
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