I explained to him that I had been hunting for the quest mop for ~10 hours and not got it, but that I would go and try now 1 more time.
I'll be damned if the 3rd doppelganger I find isn't the quest mop! I try to use magic to kill it, and burn through all my mp and 4 clear potions..hehe no dice. i bookmark the spot, tele to town since I had forgotten the sword, grab 40 orange potions and head back with my bro's sword in hand. I attack it again, but this time I am using a +8 Long Silver Sword..heh heh heh. Anyway I burn through maybe 20 orange potions and it dies and coughs up the Doppelganger regurgitation in a nice vial for me. Lucky, since I didn't want to have to scrape it off the ground. Didn't get a pic of that sorry.
Anyway, I took the puke (that's what regurgitation is for those that don't know) and a cancel spellbook to the Mysterious Rock and exchanged it for the: Record Of the Ancient Devil
I then took the Record of the Ancient Devil to Talass in the Ivory Tower on the 3rd floor (go north from stairs) and traded him my Record of the Ancient Devil for the Magic Bag Of Talass
Upon opening the Magic bag of Talass, the recipient (that's me) receives a Cloak of Mana and the "Wisdom of the Ancients"
That's all for now..
--Rais out
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