

Well, I have left the RedDevils pledge. Not for any reason that you might imagine. I left because I have friends on both sides of the main war on Depardieu server. Friends on the SoL side and friends on the Paldo side.

I just don't feel like being at war with anyone. I can't in good conscience attack my friends in SoL, nor can I in good conscience abandon my pledge when there is a fight, so I have decided to remain pledgeless for a while, or maybe I will join a neutral pledge.

My goal is to get to Level 50 and that will require some work (And some adenas!!!), with the constant warring between the "rich" people of the different political groups, if I opt to battle, I am only decreasing my leveling funds. This is not a good thing, considering how horrifc drops are now.

Perhaps now, by supporting no side, I will be able to hunt with friends on both sides and have more fun in the game!!

Hmm..I suppose I could join a pledge that favors one side...So, with that said, if you want me on your side, I'm a mercenary (but I still won't hit friends outside of a siege). My fees are 500k/week (I figure that should support all of the pots that I will use in Sieges and from being attacked while hunting and allow me to level at the same time.

As always I am looking for live human heal slaves to assist me in reaching my goal of Level 50, and my standard agreement is in place. 50% of all drops, yadda yada yadda

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